Create: Select Avatars

Moemate offers multiple ways to give an avatar to your characters. (even 3D avatars!)

This guide will explain all the different options present in the Avatar tab in the Moemate Character Creation process.

Moemate offers the following Avatar Creation options:

  1. AI Generated (2D)

  2. Create with Ready Player Me (3D)

  3. Import from VRoidHub (3D)

  4. Import from Character Hub (2D)

  5. Upload an Image or a V2 card (2D)

  6. Upload a 3D Model

AI Generated (2D)

With the AI Generated option you can generate a 2D avatar for your character using AI. All you need to do is define the appearance of your character, and hit Generate.

Let’s try to create a superhero who wears a cape, has blonde hair and is very muscular.

The prompt we’ll use is “1man, superhero, blonde hair, cape, muscular”

You can read more about how to prompt a character’s appearance in this guide: “How to fill the Appearance section in Moemate Character Creation”

Create with Ready Player Me (3D)

Use ReadyPlayerMe ( to create 3D avatars either from a selfie or from scratch.

Moemate comes with a ReadyPlayerMe integration built-in. To get started, just select this option from the dropdown menu.

Continue by designing/selecting your avatar’s face, hair, body and outfit. Once done select Set as Thumbnail.

Import from VRoidHub(3D)

VRoidHub ( is a platform where you can find countless VRM formatted pre-made 3D avatars. Moemate also has VRoidHub built-in.

To get started with this option, select it from the dropdown in the Avatar tab, then log in with your VRoidHub account. Once logged in, you will be able to see and search all their available avatars as well as find the avatars you might have added to your favorites on the VRoidHub platform. Select your avatar to connect it to your character.

Upload an Image or a V2 card (2D)

Moemate offers users an option to simply upload an image or a V2 card that can be used as avatar. To upload an image or a V2 card, select it from your folder (by clicking inside the highlighted area) or drag and drop into the highlighted section.

Upload a 3D Model

Moemate offers users the option to upload a 3D model as an avatar and supports various file types - .vrm, .fbx, .glb, .pmd

To upload an image or a V2 card, select it from your folder (by clicking inside the highlighted area) or drag and drop into the highlighted section.

Last updated