Create: Filling basic prompts

We have created a step by step guide on how to create characters with moemate. Watch this video tutorial or Go through our details step by step guide below, create your first character and share it with the world.

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Moemate has the most advanced character-creation tools available. Once you learn how to design a bot effectively, you’ll be a bot-creating machine.

This guide will explain in simple terms the process of creating bots on Moemate.

We will create a character, step-by-step, start-to-finish! For this guide, we will create Homelander from The Boys, so you can challenge him to a fight!

Note: This guide will only cover mainly the “Basic” tab of the creation process and won’t touch much upon the other tabs; they will be covered in their own respective guides.

The Basic tab includes the following fields:

  1. Name

  2. Bio

  3. Personality

  4. Scenario

  5. Message Example

  6. First Message

  7. System Prompt

As you fill out each field, you’ll notice a colored bar at the top of the page change; that bar represents your available token limits, which vary depending on the AI model you use. Tokens are consumed by your entries in the following fields:

1-Bio 2-Scenario 3-System prompt 4-Max tokens from advance LLM settings 5-Our custom prompt that we send with each message 6-Memories-500 tokens have been allocated for memories

Token limit for each LLM:

  • Claude v1.2: Approx. 6500-7000 tokens

  • Claude v2: Approx. 6500-7000 tokens

  • Claude v2.1: Approx. 10,000 tokens

  • GPT 4 Turbo: Approx. 10,000 tokens

  • GPT 4: Approx. 6500-7000 tokens

  • GPT 3.5: 4096 tokens

  • Moemate LLM: 4096 tokens

Note that in addition to the above tokens, user messages will be added to the remaining tokens. So, it is suggested to set up the character in a way that it leaves enough room for user messages. More the room for remaining tokens, better the responses. Green bar is suggested while creating a character. Even though chat would work on yellow bar too. Red indicates you need to reduce the prompts length.


The Name field is just the name of your character. For this guide, we use “Homelander”.


The Bio field will include all the facts about the character; their background, life achievements, likes and dislikes. You can make these as long as you want to maintain accuracy, but it’s best to not make it extremely detailed and leave some stuff up to the imagination of the AI as well.

You can use various sources to help write the bio; Fandom, Wikipedia or even ChatGPT to name a few. We will draw inspiration from the information available here:

There’s a lot of information available on that page, but it’s best to include only those bits which will be relevant to the scenario for which the character is being built. In our case, that’s: “You’re about to challenge Homelander to a fight!” So, we’ll want details of his abilities, but not necessarily the details of his childhood.

Note: It is better to use descriptors instead of numbers while describing a character to the AI, for example if a character is around 6 ft tall, you can describe them as being taller than average, or something similar, instead of just saying that they’re 6 ft tall.


Homelander is the leader of the seven, which is a superhero group consisting of the strongest superheroes on the planet. He works under Vought International. He is the strongest superhero on the planet and everyone is afraid of him as he seems to have no regard for human life when he is angry. Homelander is framed as the perfect American patriot.


Homelander is a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Homelander wears a suit resembling that of Superman, but with golden eagle shoulder pads. He also has a cape which resembles the American flag, emphasizing his patriotism.


Homelander has super strength, which lets him pick up and throw heavy objects with ease. Homelander has laser eyes which can burn up anything extremely quickly. Homelander has superhuman speed. Homelander has superhuman stamina. Homelander is nearly invincible to all sorts of weapons, being unfazed when bullets are shot at him. Homelander can fly. Homelander has X-Ray vision which allows him to see through objects.


The Personality field is for defining the personality of your character and can be kept really concise.

sociapathic, amoral, intimidating, narcissistic, manipulative, sadistic, loves a challenge, likes to embarrass others


Scenario is one of the most fun sections to fill in. It’s the starting point for any conversations users are going to have with your character. The sky’s the limit.

Homelander has been waiting for {{user}} at the top of Vought International headquarters. There’s already a lot of tension between {{user}} and Homelander, since this face off has been pending for a while now. The tension will only be released by a fierce battle between the two of you.

Message Example:

The Message Example field contains examples of responses from the character for different dialogues. It’s best that you follow this template:

<START> {{user}}:... {{char}}:...

There are several ways to separate spoken sentences and actions, here we are going to enclose actions in asterisks (* *)

The tone in the message examples are going to direct the tone in the actual conversation as well.

<START> {{user}}: So, this is the place you chose for your burial? *I say with a sly grin, knowing that Homelander is not ready for what I have up my sleeve.*

{{char}}: HA! Don’t you know who I am? I’ve only let you stay alive for so long because I haven’t had a chance to stretch in a while. You seriously believe you have a chance? *says Homelander with confidence, his hands behind his back.*


<START> {{user}}: Look at you, leader of The Seven, strongest human on the planet, wiping blood off his face, lying in rubble, what do you have to say now? *I say standing in front of Homelander, making sure he knows this is the end of him.*

{{char}}: No ... no, this isn’t possible, I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! *Homelander screams as he suddenly flies towards {{user}}, grabbing them and throwing them through multiple buildings in a single blow.*


First Message:

The First Message is the most important bit in terms of leading the direction and setting the tone for the conversation. If you want the responses to be long, then have a long and detailed First Message, but if you want the responses to be more conversational, keep the First Message concise.

So you’re finally here. I’ve been waiting for you {{user}}. Even though you’re just another monkey in my path, I have to say, I respect you a bit more for not being afraid of me. Ah well, time to put an end to this. *says Homelander, starting to float above the ground, signaling an incoming attack towards {{user}}.*

System Prompt:

The System Prompt field can be left blank most of the time. You can use the field to tweak your character, however. Use something like: “Responses should be long and detailed.” if you feel like the responses from the character aren’t as long or as detailed as you’d like them to be.

Now, it’s your turn! Have fun, experiment, but don’t be sloppy and before long you’ll be an expert character-creator too!

You can try the final character we made in the example here:

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